Stolen From God (Reg Meuross, Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne & Modou Ndiaye)
The history of the transatlantic slave trade and its legacy in Bristol are at the heart of this episode. It features West Country singer Reg Meuross, concertina player Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne and kora player Modou Ndaiye performing music from Reg’s powerful “Stolen from God” song cycle as we follow the route taken by the statue of the slave trader Edward Colston which was toppled from its plinth by Black Lives Matter protesters and thrown into the harbour. We also visit the Bristol Beacon (formerly Colston Hall), the Cathedral and the MShed Museum where the statue now lies on its back, covered in graffiti and surrounded by replicas of the banners carried during that day of protest. A perfect backdrop for the song “Good Morning Mr. Colston”.
The Way of Cain—Reg Meuross & Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne
The Gypsy Singer—Reg Meuross & Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne
Buy Yourself an African—Reg Meuross, Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne & Modou Ndiaye
England No More—Reg Meuross & Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne
Good Morning Mr Colston—Reg Meuross, Cohen Braithwaite Kilcoyne & Modou Ndiaye